Saturday, February 22, 2014

The Crazy Eight Body Weight Circuit

Today we are going to take a look at a body weight circuit training called the crazy eight. Traditionally, circuit training involves following several planned exercises performed back-to-back with as little rest as possible. The great thing about circuit training is that it is a way to burn fat while lifting. You aren’t lifting for mass or strength per se, but you are lifting to create an HGH response, which in turn boosts your metabolism and helps to reduce excess body fat. A well-planned circuit training routine is a great way to get in shape without spending a lot of time in the gym but some people don’t have a gym membership or fancy equipment at home. Others have weights, but they don’t have a good treadmill or exercise bike. What if you could get in shape by using your body weight for resistance?

Craig Ballantyne from Turbulence Training has an amazing body weight routine that you can do in your own home?

This workout might give you flashbacks of gym class in Junior High.

The Crazy Eight Body Weight Circuit

Each exercise is done back-to-back with zero rest in between.

60 Jumping Jacks: Done as fast as possible, but make sure you do full jumping jacks.

15-20 Spiderman Pushups: You can do normal pushups it this is a challenge.

Walking Lunges: Ten steps on each side.

Spiderman Climb: (10 per side) These really target the abs and obliques.

Wall Squat: Do for 45-60 seconds. Ouch! This hurts! Don’t rest your hands upon your legs.

Planks: Hold for 60 seconds. Try for 30 seconds if 60 seconds is too much.

5 Burpees: Make sure and do a full pushup at the bottom and explode as high as possible at the top into a jump.

High Knees: Done as fast as possible. Do 50 total. By this time you should be reaching for the oxygen tank.

Rest 60 seconds and repeat....if you can. Craig goes through this circuit a total of three times. Maybe that's where the "crazy" Part comes in.

Personal Notes:  

This routine will have you wheezing like a chain smoker. 
I was barely able to make it through the first circuit and stopping to rest after the burpees. Honestly, this workout wiped me out and I stopped half way through the second circuit. So be warned.  Don’t add the second or the 3rd cycle until you are ready.

The views expressed on this site are my opinions and should not be taken as a substitute for qualified medical expertise. I am not a Doctor. I do not give medical advice or make claims to cure any sickness, disease or affliction. I simply share my understanding of health and fitness. Please consult your Doctor or Health Care Practitioner before starting any diet or fitness routine.

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